Top 10 Frequently Asked Question’s

Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I make a complaint regarding a local restaurant? 

We would need the exact name and address of the restaurant and the complaint you would like addressed. If you would like to be notified of our findings, you can leave your name and a phone number where you can be reached so the inspector can call you back with the results. All complaints are kept anonymous. Call (516) 227-9717.

2. How do I register for the food managers course?

All applications and payments are done electronically. Find more information, including the next available class dates and fees.:

How can I make a complaint about a physician?
Call the Office of Professional Medical Conduct: 1-800-663-6114
For complaints about nursing homes, please call the New York State Department of Health Complaint Hotline at 1 (888) 201-4563.

3. What if I have a complaint about rats?

The Health Department Office of Community Sanitation will respond to complaints about residential complaints, including rodent infestation, rats and their environments. Please call (516) 227-9715 weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. for information about rodent control.

4 .My neighbor is feeding stray cats. What can be done?

Nassau County Health regulations have little to say specifically about feeding cats, however there are a few related issues that we do address. The Public Health Ordinance states that no animal can be fed out in the open in a way that causes the food to be available for rodents. This means that feeding must be done in a way that will not cause health nuisances. It also means that feeding of cats is allowed if it does not create a public health concern. Other issues of concern the Health Department would respond to are: an accumulation of animal waste that is causing an insect pest condition, and a very severe odor condition

Please call (516) 227-9715 weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. for more information

5. I have questions about underground oil tanks. Who do I call?

Article XI Nassau County Public Health Ordinance. (516) 227-9691. This program regulates and reviews engineering plans for toxic and hazardous materials storage facilities including chemicals and fuel oil.

6. Where do I go for immunizations for travel overseas?

Northwell (516) 562-4280

NUMC (516) 572-8811

Winthrop (516) 663-3819

7. Who do I call regarding animal bites or rabies control?

If there is an immediate emergency call 911
Rabies and Animal Bites: This program investigates reports of animal bites and complaints about rodents.
Or questions about Rabies: (516) 227-9663.

8. Who do I call if I think I got sick from eating at a local restaurant?

For food-borne illness complaints, please call (516) 227-9717, weekdays from 9:00a.m.-4:45 p.m.

9. What if I have a complaint about drinking water?

Your local water supplier handles complaints about rusty water or odors. Other inquiries may be made to the Health Department Bureau of Water Supply at 227-9692 weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. For emergencies after business hours, call 742-6154

 10. How do I contact a Health Department Program?

View a directory of programs and services.