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Public Informal Solicitations

Informal Solicitation Board

You may not use any documents or information printed from this Solicitations Board for the purpose of submitting a bid. Please click here to register to bid on opportunities with Nassau County. The Board may be filtered by any of the criteria below.

Please note that the below list is for informational purposes only. To access a bid please go to Vendor Portal and click the “Nassau County Procurement”.

TitleRQ NumberNIGPBuyerBids Open DateBids Close DateBids Recevied
UNIFORM ACCESSORIES - CC67RQCC2400006720085, 20000Deanna Prendergast05/30/2024 05:00 PM06/04/2024 01:30 PM1
Toner CC/069RQCC2400006920700Kimberly Stanton05/30/2024 03:00 PM06/04/2024 01:30 PM9
HP ToneR HE/246RQHE2400024620700Kimberly Stanton05/30/2024 02:30 PM06/04/2024 01:30 PM13
HP ToneR PW/073RQPW2400007320700Kimberly Stanton05/30/2024 02:30 PM06/04/2024 01:30 PM11
HP ToneR PD/416RQPD2400041620700Kimberly Stanton05/30/2024 02:30 PM06/04/2024 01:30 PM16
HP Toner VC/001RQVS2400000120700Kimberly Stanton05/30/2024 02:30 PM06/04/2024 01:30 PM16
ENTRANCE MATSRQPD2400037436028Vivian Crowley05/29/2024 08:00 AM06/03/2024 11:00 AM11
RUBBER ASPHALT CRACK SEALING COMPOUND - PW/63RQPW2400006374500Deanna Prendergast05/23/2024 02:30 PM06/03/2024 01:30 PM2
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