Nassau County Online Forms

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Laboratory Services Feedback Form

  1. Nassau County Office of the Medical Examiner Division of Forensic Services
  2. Division of Forensic Services Laboratory Service Feedback Form
  3. In an effort to continually improve our services to our customers, we are asking for your input in the form of the survey below. Please rate each category utilizing the following rating system: (1) poor, (2) good, (3) very good, (4) excellent, and (n/a) not applicable. If a rate of (1) is given, please explain in the space provided. Additional comments may be provided under each rating
  4. Submitted by (if a response is desired, please include phone number):
  5. Please return this form to the laboratory via fax to: Karen Dooling, Assistant Director, Fax: (516) 572-5818 or e-mail Feel free to call us with any questions or concerns at (516) 572-5193. Thank you very much for taking the time to help us improve our services to you.
  6. DC#: CL-F04 Version: 1.0 Approved by/ Date: Laboratory Director 071414 Page 1 of 1
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