New York State Automated Work Zone Speed Enforcement Program

New York State Automated Work Zone Speed Enforcement Program

This is a demonstration program established by the New York State Department of Transportation pursuant to legislation that was introduced and passed without consulting Nassau County and without funding any obligation of this agency to adjudicate contested notices of violation.

You cannot dispute liability or request or adjourn a hearing by contacting or coming to this agency.

Should you wish to dispute the Notice of Liability, you should complete and return the appropriate coupon as directed thereon.

If you seek information or have any questions about this program, including specific violations and the payment thereof or the requesting, scheduling or rescheduling of a hearing, you must call 1-833-268-8120.

This agency will not at this time accept payment for these violations under any circumstances. 

Should you wish to make payment, you have the following options:

  • PAY ONLINE: Payment can be made by credit or debit card at using the notice number, license plate number and PIN provided. There is a convenience fee of $3.75 for credit and debit card payments.
  • PAY BY PHONE: Call (toll free) 1-833-268-8120. You will need to provide the notice number, license plate number, and PIN provided. There is a convenience fee of $3.75 for credit and debit card payments by phone.
  • PAY BY MAIL: Make your check or money order payable to the NYS Work Zone Speed Enforcement Program. Be sure to include the notice number, license plate number, and the state of registration on the face of your payment.

We have not yet been informed of the name(s) and address(es) of the attorney(s) who will represent the DOT at any hearings to determine liability.

Motions or appeals relative to these matters should be served upon:

New York State Department of Transportation\
Att’n: Legal Affairs
50 Wolf Road
Albany, NY 12232