Employer Resources

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance
Credential Verification
Employee Training
  • Apprenticeship - View apprentice training information from New York State.
  • ESL and GED Education - English as a Second Language (ESL) and Graduate Equivalency Diploma (GED) education is available through the Economic Empowerment Program for Spanish Speaking Americans.
  • Food Service Managers Training - The Nassau County Health Department provides training for food service managers for the safe storage, handling, and preparation of foods.
  • Funding for Workforce Training
  • Workforce Preparation and Continuing Education
  • Workforce Training
Labor & Workplace Law

New-Hire Reporting
To facilitate the accurate and prompt determination of child support obligations, all employers must report to the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance certain identifying information about each newly hired employee. The online New York New-Hire Reporting feature provides employers with an efficient method of reporting new employees and accessing information about the New York State Directory of New Hires.